Friday, June 29, 2007

The Future of Processor Hardware

Many-Core Processors, Languages for Multiple Processors and Reconfigurable Computing

Many-Core Processors

Multicore processors are giving way to many-core processors with Intel estimating the number of cores doubling with each processor generation. The paradigms of the most commonly used programming languages are ineffective with respect to these types of processors. So what will happen?

Languages for Multiple Processors

Modified C++/Java# with futures, promises, (Flow Java)?

Functional languages are inherently more parallelizable than imperative languages. Will we see a resurgence of these types of languages?
- Concurrent Haskell/Concurrent Clean
- F#

High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing

Hybrid systems combining conventional (Von Neumann) architectures with FPGAs and other forms of reconfigurable hardware are starting to mature, but with radically different models of "software" development.

Is High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing the Next Supercomputing Paradigm?

From Wikipedia

Paradigm Shift

It is called the Reconfigurable Computing Paradox, that by software to configware migration (software to FPGA migration) speed-up factors by up to almost 4 orders of magnitude have been reported, as well as the reduction of electricity consumption by more than 1 order of magnitude - although the technological parameters of FPGAs are are behind the Gordon Moore curve by about 4 orders of magnitude, and the clock frequency is substantially lower than that of microprocessors. The reasons of this paradox are due to a paradigm shift, and are also partly explained by the Von Neumann syndrome.

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