Tuesday, December 05, 2006

UML's Accidental Complexity

Accidental complexity is the complexity imposed by a given approach (in this case, a language) to solving a problem as opposed to an essential complexity of the problem itself. Recently, I documented a system I'd developed for a presentation for my coworkers. I diagrammed the class relationships in UML in Visio. Then I started swearing as I always do whenever I use UML. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy UML and it's a valuable and useful tool when its limitations are understood.

So why does UML make me swear when I use it?

  • UML is graphical and two-dimensional.

  • A UML design should be readable, preferrably at a glance without too much study.

  • UML is general, intended to apply with equal descriptiveness to multiple object-oriented languages.

These goals of a UML design are irrelevant to the original language implementation. And, of course, the implementation language will have its own accidental complexity whose concerns must take higher precedence. Nevertheless, readability is important. An unreadable UML diagram is a waste of everyone's time.

What effect does UML representation have in describing software designs? Since subclassing allows classes to inherit lines of association from their parents while containment does not, readable UML favors subclassing over containment/composition which, in C++ based object oriented languages (such as C++, Java and C#), is inappropriate and even wrong (later, an entry on subclassing vs. containment).

Below, an artificial abstract class is introduced to tame UML complexity. Keep in mind that this diagram represents a very simple design.

Before -

After -

The first diagram resembles an electrical circuit and its suffers from the same difficult problem - complex, multidimensional relationships flattened to a two-dimensional plane. In the second, we introduce a false abstract class simply to preserve readability.

Clearly, readable UML representation as a requirement for software design is not a useful constraint - especially when it degrades the quality of a software system. This is an issue that must be understood when using UML to design or present software systems.

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